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"If you can light the spark of curiosity in a child, they will learn without any further assistance, very often. Children are natural learners. It's a real achievement to put that particular ability out, or to stifle it. Curiosity is the engine of achievement."

-Ken Robinson

We live in a technological age where answers could be found literally everywhere...on computers, on the web, in books, online, and so on. Knowledge is important, but it will not suffice any more. At the same time, we see kids finding schools boring. They don't want to learn. Things that were originally fun became a burden, and the world and its beauty are being simplified into passages that are fed to kids to be memorized. One of the things we urgently need right now is curiosity. We need people to ask questions. Without curiosity we cannot learn. Without curiosity we cannot innovate. Without curiosity we are nothing more than the electronic counterparts we create. "Curiosity comes first. Student questions are the seeds of real learning. Questions can be windows to great instruction, but not the other way around."

-Ramsey Musallam

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