Organic and Inorganic Compounds
Organic Compounds: All contain Carbon in them and often Hydrogen to form hydrocarbons. Organic compounds are compounds produced by living things. Inorganic Compounds: Most do not contain Carbon although some do - inorganic compounds are things like salts and metals.
These definitions are for reference only and scientists are already working on a better classification between the two. This article hopes to provide a clearer understanding on what is happening.
Organic Compounds:
C12H22O11 - Sucrose, the type of sugar found in most homes.
C6H12O6 - Glucose, used for respiration
C55H72O5N4Mg - Chlorophyll, used for photosynthesis
CH4 - Methane, waste products given out by a lot of living things
Inorganic Compounds:
NaCl - Table Salt
CaCO3 - Calcium Carbonate, which is what chalk is made of.